Natural Expo East 2016, Baltimore, US
Hi, it's T.J.! Wish the best for everyone. I'm now in Baltimore, Maryland for the exhibition name, 'Natural Expo East'. Well, it is my first time visiting Baltimore and I did not know until this trip that Baltimore used to be the second largest city in population in the US until 1850s'. It is still the largest city in the state of Maryland and 29th-most populous city in the US today. In addition, it's the hometown of Baltimore Orioles (MLB) & Baltimore Ravens (NFL) as everyone may know and their stadiums were so close from the Baltimore convention center.
'Natural Expo East' is one of the biggest exhibition for organic and natural product industry here in the US and it is our first time exhibiting in the show for our Terra Wash+Mg. The show started on Thursday of this week and ending today, so total 3 days event. Well, I really wish that everyone can be here and feel the excitement from the show. THIS SHOW IS AMAZING!!! The show is one of the best show I've seen. I love this show so much and I'm pretty sure that I'll be back for the next year's show as well. I could feel a lot of energy from the show and feel the power of one of the best growing industry!!! I'm really happy that I could be here for the show with our Terra Wash+Mg and be in a part of the show. People told me that 'Natural Expo West' in Anaheim is actually bigger than this show, so I can't wait to exhibit in 'Natural Expo West' in 2017 spring since we'll be there as well.

As I introduced our Terra Wash+Mg, people were really amazed and loved the product. Thanks to many people for that! Well, too sad that it is already the last day of the event, but I hope I get to introduce the product to as many people as possible!
We won't be exhibiting in any show in October (a little rest for me☺️ ), but we'll be exhibiting in the show name 'Bio Fach India' in New Dehli, India in November, the show's info will be coming up soon!! Well, have a great weekend and wish us luck!!!